Investment briefing
When Jane Austen wrote ‘Pride and Prejudice’ in 1813, an annual income of £10,000 compared to an average salary of just over 30 pounds. In today’s money, Mr. Darcy’s annual income would have been £10 million. No wonder Mrs. Bennet was so excited!
Investment briefing
The stock market euphoria, which accompanied the reflation of major global economies in the wake of the pandemic, is abating.
Investment briefing
Every Flavour Beans
A man once sat on a bench externalising his thought process, reminiscing on the advice his mother gave him: ‘life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get’. Admittedly, this was a movie, and the man was the fictitious Forrest Gump, but his mother was right; in a lifetime of unpredictability, Masters of Destiny are often disappointed.